BUSINESS PEOPLE negotiate all the time. I mean, all the time. CEO and Managers negotiate salaries, contracts with partners and deadlines with suppliers, just to mention a few. Here some general negotiations vocabulary and phrases (and their equivalent in Italian) that can be used during a business meeting to get the most out of the negotiation process.
Of course, first things first, make sure you gathered all the necessary information about the person you will be negotiating with and their business well ahead of the meeting!
How to: 5 useful negotiation phrases to make proposals.
1) How about… ? / What about … ? Cosa ne pensi se… / e se…
Usage example: How about discussing this issue Tomorrow for lunch? Che ne diresti di discutere questo punto domani a pranzo?
2) What would you say if… Che ne diresti se…
Usage example: What would you say if I gave you a 10% discount? Che ne diresti se ti facessi uno sconto del 10%?
3) I was wondering…. Mi stavo chiedendo se…
Usage example: I was wondering, what if we have a business lunch tomorrow with our CEO? Mi chiedevo, che ne pensi di una colazione di lavoro domani con il nostro amministratore delegato?
4) I have been doing some thinking… Ci ho pensato molto…
Usage example: Since the last time we met I’ve been doing some thinking. Da quando ci siamo visti l’ultima volta ho riflettuto molto.
5) To sleep on it / to put one’s thinking cap
Usage example: I believe, we can’t reach an agreement today, let’s sleep on it! Non credo sia possibile raggiungere un accordo oggi, dormiamoci su.
by Antonio Salvati